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Health Sciences (BSc)


International Year One (UTP Stage II): Health Sciences (BSc) provides first-year courses and the foundation for progression to the second year of SFU’s Faculty of Health Sciences. Programs in the Health Sciences combine scientific inquiry with social and behavioural research to examine the underlying causes of health and disease and the factors that influence population health.



  • 3 terms


  • January, May, September


  • Vancouver

Your direct pathway to Simon Fraser University

High School
2nd year Simon Fraser University

International Year One (UTP Stage II): Health Sciences (BSc)

Entry to second year at SFU

Bachelor of Science

Areas of study:

  • Life Sciences Concentration
  • Population and Quantitative Health Sciences Concentration

Potential career paths

  • Health Services
  • Biomedical Equipment Tech
  • Medical Lab Technician
  • Public and Private Research
  • Research Assistant
  • Waste-water Treatment
  • Pharmaceutical Sales
  • Health Consultant
  • Rehabilitation Worker
  • Community Outreach Specialist
  • Environmental Health Officer
  • Radiologic Technologist
  • Health Records Professional
  • Infectious Disease Worker
  • Public Health Inspector
  • Health Product Regulation
  • Public Policy Analyst
  • Health Educator
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* Program fees are based on 30 credits of study at C$1,148.92 per credit. Students taking more than 30 credits of study will need to pay additional fees. Not for credit transfer Academic Literacy Course is a requirement for International Year One (UTP Stage II) Direct entry.

For the most up-to-date fees and charges, please visit:

Program Requirements

To transfer into the Faculty of Health Sciences BSc (either Population and Quantitative Health Sciences or Life Sciences), students must complete the requirements listed below, which include at least one ‘W’ and one ‘Q’ course.
-> What are ‘W’ and ‘Q’ courses?

A minimum GPA of 2.50, based on completion of 10 courses (at least 30 units, and with a grade of C- or better in all courses), will guarantee admittance to the Faculty of Health Sciences, Bachelor of Science (BSc) beginning in the Fall of 2019. In addition, a cumulative GPA of 2.5 is required for admission to the university.

All (All (direct) students are required to take (and pass) ILS101/ILSA101 – Integrated Learning Skills and ALC101/ALAC101 – Academic Literacy Course in their first term of study unless exempted. For ALC exempted requirements, please see the English requirements page.*

Required Courses For Admission to Population and Quantitative Sciences

BISC100 - Introduction to Biology
HSCI160 - Global Perspectives on Health
MATH151 - Calculus I
STAT203 - Introduction to Statistics for the Social Sciences


Choose 2 courses from the following list:

CMPT120 - Introduction to Computing Science and Programming I
MATH152 - Calculus II
PHYS140 - Studio Physics – Mechanics & Modern Physics


Choose 1 course from the following list:

ENGL112 - Literature Now (Formerly ENGL101)
ENGL113 - Literature and Performance
ENGL115 - Literature and Culture (Formerly ENGL105)
PSYC109 - Brain, Mind and Society
WL101 - Writing in World Literature


For elective courses, please see below.

Required Courses For Admission to Life Sciences

BISC100 - Introduction to Biology
HSCI160 - Global Perspectives on Health
MATH151 - Calculus I
MATH152 - Calculus II
PHYS140 - Studio Physics – Mechanics & Modern Physics
STAT203 - Introduction to Statistics for the Social Sciences


Choose 1 course from the following list:

ENGL112 - Literature Now (Formerly ENGL101)
ENGL113 - Literature and Performance
ENGL115 - Literature and Culture (Formerly ENGL105)
PSYC109 - Brain, Mind and Society
WL101 - Writing in World Literature


Elective Courses

Both Population and Quantitative Health Sciences and Life Sciences streams are required to complete 3 elective courses.

Please choose two courses from the following B-Social Sciences list:


ARCH100 - Ancient Peoples and Places
ARCH131 - Human Origins
CMNS110 - Introduction to Communication Studies
CRIM101 - Introduction to Criminology
CRIM131 - Introduction to the Criminal Justice System – A Total System Approach
CRIM135 - Introduction to Canadian Law & Legal Institutions
ECON103 - Principles of Microeconomics
ECON105 - Principles of Macroeconomics
GEOG100 - Our World: Introducing Human Geography
GEOG104 - Climate Change, Water, and Society
GSWS101 - Gender Talk
INDG101 - Introduction to Indigenous Studies (formerly FNST101)
INDG201 - Indigenous Peoples’ Perspective on History
IS101 - Global Challenges of the 21st Century: An Introduction to International Studies
LBST101 - Introducing Labour Studies
LING110 - The Wonder of Words
LING111 - The Wonder of Words
LING220 - Introduction to Linguistics
PHIL105 - Critical Thinking (Formerly PHIL001)
POL100 - Introduction to Politics and Government
POL141 - War, International Cooperation and Development (Formerly POL241)
POL151 - Justice and Law
POL232 - US Politics
PSYC100 - Introduction to Psychology I
PSYC102 - Introduction to Psychology II
REM100 - Global Change


Please choose 1 course from the following B-Humanities list:


CA135 - Introduction to Cinema (Formerly FPA135)
ENGL112 - Literature Now (Formerly ENGL101)
ENGL113 - Literature and Performance
ENGL115 - Literature and Culture (Formerly ENGL105)
ENSC100 - Engineering, Science and Society
HIST102 - Canada Since Confederation
HIST204 - The Social History of Canada
IAT110 - Visual Communication Design
INDG101 - Introduction to Indigenous Studies (formerly FNST101)
IS101 - Global Challenges of the 21st Century: An Introduction to International Studies
WL101 - Writing in World Literature
WL201 - East/West


Other courses taken at FIC but not offered in this program may count for credit. Please see an advisor.

Please note that your Writing (W) course cannot be counted as your B-Hum elective.

*Courses and programs are subject to change without notice. If you have any questions, please contact the student success advising team.

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