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Communication and Business


FIC offers a unique pathway to enter the second year of studies at SFU in the Communication and Business Minor programs.
International Year One (UTP Stage II): Communication and Business is equivalent to the first year of SFU’s Bachelor of Arts degree awarded by the Faculty of Communication, Art, and Technology (FCAT). The program will provide you with the necessary foundation to understand and excel in such an exciting program.



  • 3 terms


  • January, May, September


  • Vancouver

Your direct pathway to Simon Fraser University

High School
2nd year Simon Fraser University

Why Communication and Business?

  • Gain valuable knowledge in these two very popular career related fields.
  • Develop key Business skills including marketing, accounting, human resource development and international business.
  • Enhance your understanding of communications including: key messaging, advertising and generating effective social media engagement.
  • Develop your critical thinking abilities.
  • Be career ready by improving your team and independent working skills.

Services and Support:

  • Guaranteed GPA to transfer to SFU.
  • Supportive study environment with small classes.
  • Receive ongoing support in both Communication and Business to help you choose the most relevant courses.
  • Earn valuable work experience through SFU’s Co-op Education program.
  • Gain support in career planning, writing, and mentorship from SFU.


Career Opportunities:

As a Communication and Business graduate, you will be a part of the vibrant creative economy in Vancouver and beyond. Join these exciting industries:

  • Advertising and Media
  • Marketing
  • Media and Community Relations
  • Human Resources
  • Social Media
  • Event Management
  • Arts and Culture
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* Program fees are based on 30 credits of study at C$1,148.92 per credit. Students taking more than 30 credits of study will need to pay additional fees. Not for credit transfer Academic Literacy Course is a requirement for International Year One (UTP Stage II) direct entry.

For the most up-to-date fees and charges, please visit

Program Requirements

To transfer into the Double Minor Program in the Faculty of Communications, Arts, and Technology, and Beedie School of Business students must complete the requirements listed below, which include at least one ‘W’ and one ‘Q’ course.
-> What are ‘W’ and ‘Q’ courses?

A minimum GPA of 2.50, based on completion of 10 courses (at least 30 units, and with a grade of C- or better in all courses), will guarantee admittance to a Business minor program for successful transfer students from FIC. In addition, a cumulative GPA of 2.5 is required for admission to the university.

All (direct) students are required to take (and pass) ILS101/ILSA101 – Integrated Learning Skills and ALC101/ALAC101 – Academic Literacy Course in their first term of study unless exempted. For ALC exempted requirements, please check the English requirements page.*

Please note the Business Minor cannot be changed into a major at SFU.


Required Courses

Please note that the required courses in the transfer pathway to the Double Minor Program in the Faculty of Communications, Arts, and Technology, and Beedie School of Business have been updated for students beginning in the Fall of 2023. Please select the relevant drop-down below for your required courses. If possible, it is recommend that students complete the newer requirements.

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Required Courses for Students Admitted Fall 2023 Onward

Required Courses

BUS200 - Business Fundamentals
BUS216 - Introduction to Essentials of Business Communications
BUS251 - Financial Accounting I
CMNS110 - Introduction to Communication Studies
CMNS120 - Creativity and Communication Across Media
CMNS130 - Explorations in Mass Communication
ECON103 - Principles of Microeconomics
IAT102 - Graphic Design


Choose one course from the following list

IAT100 - Digital Image Design
IAT110 - Visual Communication Design


Choose one course from the following list:

ENGL112 - Literature Now (Formerly ENGL101)
ENGL113 - Literature and Performance
ENGL115 - Literature and Culture (Formerly ENGL105)

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Required Courses for Students Admitted Prior to Fall 2023

Required Courses

BUS200 - Business Fundamentals
BUS216 - Introduction to Essentials of Business Communications
BUS251 - Financial Accounting I
CA135 - Introduction to Cinema (Formerly FPA135)
CMNS110 - Introduction to Communication Studies
CMNS130 - Explorations in Mass Communication
ECON103 - Principles of Microeconomics
IAT102 - Graphic Design


Choose one course from the following list

IAT100 - Digital Image Design
IAT110 - Visual Communication Design


Choose one course from the following list:

ENGL112 - Literature Now (Formerly ENGL101)
ENGL113 - Literature and Performance
ENGL115 - Literature and Culture (Formerly ENGL105)

Business Program Course Repeat Policy

Students may repeat a specific course up to two times during their FIC course of study. Three times is the maximum number a student can study the same course.

*Courses and programs are subject to change without notice. If you have any questions, please contact the student success advising team.

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